T'uffins 4 Teaching

Run by The Lunch Lab, T’uffins 4 Teaching adds a creative twist to health education. Kids and their families learn about nutrition and healthy eating while baking our delicious T’uffins with Sunday Lunchbox food innovators.


Our first T4T events were a huge success!  Check out our live stream recording to learn how to make our Holiday T’uffin and learn abotu seasonality of produce!

Step One

Our Lunchbox Lab develops a seasonal T'uffin recipe with simple ingredients.

Step Two

Sunday Lunchbox delivers T'uffin Kits including ingredients and basic tools to participating families.

Step Three

Families attend T4T events, where educational bites are mixed with preparation instruction from our Lunchbox innovators.

step four

Sunday Lunchbox collects feedback to improve our workshops.


Support our mission by sponsoring our T’uffins 4 Teaching events.  We offer various sponsorship levels; reach out to us for more information or to develop a custom sponsorship opportunity!


Want to partner with us?  Request a lunchbox delivery?  We’d love to hear from you.

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